Tuesday 6 December 2011

DMS Solutioning

Currently distribution operations are getting a huge  make over due to the large investments planned under different Government initiatives. The effective operation of the distribution network shall allow better power flow management throughout the network and optimal utilization of sources and loads. DMS system plays an important role in effective operation of distribution system by enhancing routine network monitoring, fault location and restoration; planning the network requirements and further,  it lays down the foundation for future SMARTGID initiatives.

Usually we can find two types of DMS software in the market:

  • SCADA centric  
  • Stand alone DMS integrated with existing utility systems .

There are many vendors and developers providing solutions to distribution managements system and it become the utilities choice to take the solution that suits their requirement, Often this become important when high investments are planned by the utility. 

 Distribution operations are normally different from the substation operations, where assets are located in a single location and operators have access to each device. In the case of distribution networks, assets are spreads across large geographical area hence locating the device and grouping the operations based on zones are difficult (for example when multiple operations/ switching plans are to be decided on big outages). Generally utilities follow operational guidelines (work flows) for distribution network operations, which will ensure proper decision making and reduces accidents while maintenance. So DMS systems for  utilities should have the features to deal with the above requirements.

Most of the SCADA centric DMS solutions are evolved from the vendor’s proven SCADA platforms with native communication protocols and additionally DMS applications are build on top of it. Here the operator can perform DMS operations  as mere SCADA functions and does not have complete features like optimal power flow or  multiple switching plans for larger outages. If the SCADA systems are not tightly integrated with GIS, the operator feels the difficulties in operation where multiple screens shall be used for the simpler operation. But this may be cost-effective for shorter reach of distribution. 

In a standalone DMS system, DMS solution stands separate and explicitly meets DMS functionalities required by the utility. It may not support native SCADA protocol or SCADA features which is not relevant for DMS operation but it will be tightly integrated at data layer level using SOA/ESBs with existing facility like SCADA, GIS,ERP and Asset management system . These systems often builds or captures utility work flow for DMS operation and have additional features like safety documents, integrated business intelligence /analytical functions and forecasting tools. These kind of systems are highly scalable and it can share topology models or database using standard interfaces.


  1. There are many articles on Information Management and DMS but These simple tips are really simple. I have used all these tips and I am surprised that these all works fine. You are a great adviser. Thanks for sharing.

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  3. System DMS odgrywa w naszej firmie znaczącą rolę. Dzięki niemu możemy sprawnie archiwizować ważne dokumenty firmowe https://www.connecto.pl/archiwizacja-dokumentow-w-przedsiebiorstwie/ W ten sposób każdy dokument odnotowywany jest w specjalnej bazie danych, gdzie można go na bieżąco monitorować. Takie rozwiązanie pozwala m.in. zredukować ryzyko związane z zaginięciem ważnych dokumentów.

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  5. Fajny artykuł. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

  6. Distributor Management System looks to be quite helpful. Thanks for the info. Will definitely look to get a Distributor Management System for my company.

  7. Intuicyjny i przejrzysty system DMS to podstawa funkcjonowania każdej nowoczesnej firmy. Warto zainwestować w sprawdzone rozwiązania, takie jak oprogramowanie Ready_™ które posiada wszystkie niezbędne aplikacje.

  8. Great post! thanks for share your information related to DMS partner
